Maltodextrin DE19

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this water-soluble white powder with moderate sweet taste is obtained from starches made from different botanical sources (corn, wheat, potato, etc). It is widely used by the FOOD industry as a bulking agent, a nutritive component or mouthfeel enhancer. Paramount examples of its versatility are: as a carrier in the flavouring industry, as a food additive in sport nutrition to provide athletes quick energy release, as a thickener in sauces and soups, and as shelf-life extender for many goods.
Various types are available with DE-values stretching from DE8 to DE20.


Zusätzliche Information

Area of Application

Alcoholic drinks, Cereals, Confectionery, Fruit preparations, Ice cream, Instant products, Meat & cheese alternatives, Meat industry, Pet food & feed, Pharma & fermentation, Seasonings, Sport Nutrition

Product Category

Sweeteners dry

Product Type

Bio, Conventional